Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Avrus WIP

Please let me know which combos you like-- these can all be toggled on and off in the main Photoshop file and will be delivered via Google Drive link 



9/15: color blocking done, colors not at all final, just there to easily select and adjust... lightning will be drawn last
will also color under jacket so it can be removed:

Picking back up today with a pose adjustment, goal to finish re-inking [4hrs]

eventually will have versions with/out jacket/vest

(flipped to check composition)

9/9 update:

hey, it's my birthday!
Anyway, updates:
 Stance 1: behind back
 Stance 2: sword tip down, contrapposto 
Stance 3: Swipe around, maybe a blood casting circle unless that's too warlock-y

(and a color test while I'm here, but I'm not 100% on these proportions, head is too large which makes the rest look small:)

^ This is the closest to the look I *think* the character is going for, but I worry he is still too thin here ^

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